Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look at me, I'm in a Nutshell

I still remember my first real experience with video games. I was about 4 or 5 years old and my grandma’s neighbor got a Nintendo. I can picture in my head the awe that everyone had once it was set up with Mario Brothers playing on the screen. Unfortunately I only got one crack at it and I died trying to jump on the first goomba.

I will be brief with the earlier systems because I did not have much as far as a library is concerned due to the fact that I was fucking hindered by being a kid and only got games on special occasions… i.e. holidays and birthdays. I owned all of these consoles in this order: Atari 2600 (thanks to my dad), NES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Game Gear, Playstation, and Xbox. I got my PSX in high school and let me say that video games were becoming less and less important in my life at that time. I stilled played them, but they fell second to friends and partying and I was usually partying while playing them. I got an Xbox when it came out, but I was really, really heavy into the partying. I sold it and then about a year later got a second one only to sell it in a month. So to be honest I would really say that my gaming career went on hold in the PSX era if you can even call it one. The time period between PSX and Xbox 360 is kind of foggy for me and it was no one’s damn fault but my own. And trust me I know that I missed out on a lot of good shit that was associated with the PS2 and original Xbox; but I have time and am slowly going back and making up for shit missed.

In my time I have come across some bad ass games that I will always remember. Mario, Sonic, Excitebike, Zelda, Tony Hawk Series, The Secret of Monkey Island, Dragon Warrior, FFVII, Destruction Derby 2, Skitchin’, Sewer Shark, Street Fighter II’ Special Champion Edition, Mortal Kombat 2, Eternal Champions, and RC Pro-Am are just to name a few. So don’t get discouraged and say you can’t trust my judgment based on my history, which might not be as extensive as the next persons. That doesn’t change the fact that I know what’s good and what sucks. Besides, just because I didn’t play them when they came out doesn’t mean that I don’t sit at work and play them on emulators for my computer. You gotta love free shit.

By now I am sure you are wondering what I do have to work with and talk about. Well as far as consoles go I have an Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, and a Nintendo DS Lite. I am in the works of getting a PSP 2000. Why a PSP 2000? Because the PSP Go is a fucking piece of shit joke. Who only wants to download games? No resale value, what if you hate it you are stuck with it, and it makes it harder to pirate games (jk). Emulators that I have are NES, Super NES, N64, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, PSX, Game Gear, Sega Genesis, Neo Geo, and Turbografx 16. Some of these are on my computer and I have some for my DS too. I have every NES rom, SNES rom, N64 rom, Gameboy and Gameboy Color rom, Gameboy Advance rom, about 200 DS games (.nds files), every Genesis, Sega Cd, and Game Gear rom, about 35 Dreamcast games (.iso files), every Neo Geo rom, and I am working on building my collection of PSX, PS2, and PSP games (.iso files). So as you can see, I do not fuck around when it comes to video games. Slowly I am working my way to filling up by 2 TB external HDD with rom’s and iso’s.

My goal is to fucking own it all. But most of all I still want a Neo Geo, a Turbografx 16, an Atari Jaguar, a Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and a 32x. Basically I am working at attaining everything that I wanted or had as a kid but don’t have now. Someday I will have them but in the meantime I obviously have more than enough to fucking go around. Can you beat this or even match it? I would like to know. Plus I am always interested in new and improved emulators, so let me know where to get them and how well they work.

-Brian R.

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