Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another Year, Another Chance for my PS3

Seeing the great debate beginning to brew over this next gen console subject, I can’t just sit on the sidelines and let this one go. If my opinion matters one bit I would say that next gen consoles overall have been a failure, but don’t take that out of context though. There are great games, enhanced graphics, and better game control; but if we look at the hardware associated with the Wii, PS3, and 360, we can see that there have been letdowns with all three systems.

Like Brian T. said the Wii is nothing more than a glorified GameCube. It is a GameCube with motion control. For a long time now I have felt that the Wii was nothing more than a test; a test to see how the public would accept a new form of gameplay. Unfortunately it is widely accepted by all demographics from young to old, to people who really don’t even play video games; therefore causing Nintendo to continue pushing this console. There also is a serious lack of quality software support for this system but yet I can guarantee that Nintendo is raking in the cash, and because of that there is no need on Nintendo’s part to change a thing at the moment.

Then we have the 360. Overall we are looking at a pretty good system. They have support through other social networking communities such as Facebook and Twitter, along with a great library of games. There online service is above average and you can see that paying for the service definitely makes it worth the $50 per year. What the system lacks is the dependent hardware to run the console. System hardware failures plague the console with the Red Rings of Death and the E74 error code. Like Brian T. said too, it is ridiculous to spend $300 - $400 on the system then have to go spend another $100 on a wireless network adapter to get online. You would think since networking technology is not advanced rocket science; it would be built in the system or made affordable at least, but once again the system makes money even with its flaws, so why change what in terms of profits is not broken.

Finally there is the PS3. Let me say I have been let down by this system from the time I got mine and more so then the latter two. One of the biggest disappointments for this system is the lack of software that is available for the system. If you need someone to blame for this you can thank Sony for not providing the training and information that was needed for these developers to program the games. I can see how these game developers did not want to spend the money to train programmers to write for this system when they could just release it on a more popular, easier to work with system like the 360. To this day I still do not own a PS3 game. There hasn’t been a game yet exclusive to the system that I feel I need to have, and if there is a game that is multi-platform I always get it for the 360. But before you can complain about the software I think it is only fair to look at the system itself. We are in the 4th generation with the PS3. If you go here you can see a chart of all the different PS3’s and what hardware they contained.

It’s seems to me the PS3 has taken steps back instead of moving forward to try and provide a better product to their consumers. Look at the 360 for example. They have increased their hard drive space, replaced their original processors with better ones, and added more services to system. The PS3 has removed the flash card reader, removed backwards compatibility, reduce the number of USB slots, and taken away the removable hard drive. So how do they justify the price of the system? Sure they increased the hard drive space, but they removed everything else. No wonder we have seen a price drop in recent months.

That is not all that lets me down with the PS3. The PS Network; now there is a joke if I’ve ever seen one. Sure it is free, but what do you gain by having a free service: lag, poor support, and limited connectivity. If I was partial solely to the PS3 I would be more than happy to pay for my online service to ensure excellent service. Also I need to mention Home. What a waste of time and effort there. If I wanted to participate in something of that nature I would go and play The Sims. At least that way I wouldn’t be subjected to endless advertising. Plus it is completely annoying trying to have a conversation because it is a pain in the ass to type everything when 95% of the people don’t have headsets. Tell me why is there no Bluetooth headset included with the system? This is similar to Microsoft not having Wi-Fi built in to the system. Why not include something that probably costs them pennies to make compared to the $100 it costs us to buy it. When is enough, enough?

Where are we left as gamers when the companies that we support seem to not really care to support their consumers? And it is not only Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony; it is the software companies that support the consoles too. If you read my earlier blog “Diamonds Last Forever” you can see how I talked about there being a lack of games on next gen consoles that take gaming to the next level. There are no revolutionary or breakthrough games on any of the 3 major consoles today. Gaming has reached a standstill in some respects. Hopefully with the introduction of Natal we will see a shift in gaming. We will see what next gen gaming should be and hopefully get everything we should be getting out of these consoles. I know though that a magic wand shaped like an ice cream cone will not be the answer to this. It will be yet another let down from Sony. Maybe they finally realized this and that is why the date has been pushed back so that way they can try and save some face. Let me know what you think and how you feel about today’s gaming companies.

-Brian R.


  1. PS3 slim still has removable HD. I don't know where you read it doesn't?

    It does suck not having PS2 support on a ps3, but in the end, I rather be playing ps3 games over ps2 games anyways. I WOULD like to see ps2 games in the PSN eventually though.

    Sucks too having to type to 95% of people.. 110% agree on that. Including a stupid wireless or even wired headset please :(

    As for ps3 exclusives, they started slow but are really picking up :) Uncharted, Killzone, Heavy Rain, GT5, Demon's Souls, LBP, FFXIII Versus, MAG, ect, the list really does go on. The last exclusive game I bought for my 360 was Halo STD and that left me very very disappointed. Wii has a couple of good RE games and Monster Hunter 3 coming out soon, but other then that, just that new mario game that looked borning as snot to me =\

    Good post though. I think this will be a great year for Ps3 in general though.

  2. @nathan I agree that this year for the PS3 looks better then any other. Both Uncharted's were great games, but not ones to own for me at least. This is why I entitle it Another year, another chance because there does look to be some good exclusive games coming out for the PS3. It is just a shame that it has taken 4 years for this to start to happen. Don't get me wrong I like my PS3, I just want to like my PS3 alot more like I do with my 360.

    Thanks for correcting me on the removable HDD. But what is the point of changing it out if you can no longer add a 3rd party OS. Especially now if they come with 250 GB HDDs. It just seems pointless with all that space you are given unless if you want to transform it into a media server.

    As far as the Wii is concerned I am going to buy another next month for my kids. It is a fun system and there are a handful of good games, it is just overall the quality of software support for the system is miniscule compared to the others. Especially the 360.

    -Brian R.

  3. You don't own any PS3 games because you haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4 or Little Big Planet. MGS4 was the turning point for the PS3 for a reason, and LBP showed that Sony's focus on 1st party exclusives wasn't just on big action titles like Microsoft tends to focus on (Gears, Halo, Crackdown). I personally feel that the PS3 exclusives are just as good as the 360's at this point. Last year saw the PS3 dominate with critically acclaimed exclusives like Infamous, Uncharted 2, and Ratchet and Clank. The 360's big savior in Halo ODST went by unnoticed to those outside of the hardcore 360 FPS community. In fact, Sony's Killzone 2 has a higher metacritic score than ODST. Microsoft didn't have much of a year last year...

  4. I see I touched a nerve with you. No I haven't played MGS4 or LBG. I really want to play LBG but I just haven't found the time, and you are supposed to let me borrow it but that hasn't happened yet. I am not talking solely about exclusives, but games in general. 360 definitely wins the fight when it comes to sales especially on multiplatform games. But since you brought up exclusives look at the 360, which has Alan Wake and Splinter Cell coming out. You don't see them jumping ship like you did with Metal Gear (Konami) and Final Fantasy (Square Enix). Sony lost both of those exclusive titles. What does that say about the PS3?

    Then lets move on to the peripherals that are coming out this year for both systems. I am sorry but Sony's motion control device looks like dog crap, and I know you agree with me because we talked about it. At least Natal looks like it is going in the right direction. Now it is just a matter to see if they can pull it off.

  5. @Brian T. check this out

  6. The 360 has Alan Wake and Splinter Cell, while the PS3 has Heavy Rain, God of War, and Gran Turismo 5 to compete with. I still think the PS3 wins that one.

    Developers learning how to program for the PS3 is Microsoft's biggest threat and Natal is their answer. I've got high hopes for it. Meanwhile, if Sony was smart, they'd scrap their motion controller. Waste of money.

    The problem with exclusivity is that it doesn't really make financial sense for a 3rd party developer to only release a high profile game on one console unless there is financial incentive. Sony was paying Konami, Square, Rockstar, etc. to keep MGS, FF, and GTA on Sony consoles. Microsoft has infinitely deep pockets though, and was obviously willing to pay more than Sony was to keep these franchises exclusive. Microsoft needed GTA to deal the first blow to Sony early on when the PS3 was stumbling at best in the U.S. They needed Final Fantasy because they can't sell a 360 in Japan to save their lives, and they need Metal Gear to seal the deal. None of these franchises have jumped exclusively to the 360, but rather, 3rd party developers see that it makes more financial sense to release multiplatform games.

    And sorry about LBP, I forgot I had it. I'll bring it in today, babe ;)

  7. LoL; Talk about next/current-gen console failure/let-down with the hardware.
    I can remember a time when you can drop a console from 2-2.5 feet in the air, and it would STILL work after said drop.
    The consoles we have nowadayz are just TOO fragile; and are more easily HACKABLE now, as opposed to just being "exploitable" (in terms of the games being run).

    And it wasn't until I came across a random person's Tweet that I found out that the PS3's could get a "YLOD" or Yellow Light of Death.
    HAH! Wonder why that was never really mentioned or talked about at all..ANYwhere..
    If the 360 fanboys on the G4 website get wind of this, there'll be hell to pay for the PS3 fanboys that always keep flaming any/all articles that have to do with the 360 (while the 360 fanboys remain quiet unless provoked).

    ..If gaming as a whole, has reached another state of stagnancy, just like the first one in the past..who/what will rise up THIS time to save it??
    Nintendo[the Wii]? - Doubtful; they've pretty much lost their miraculous power status to save it like last time, as they've relinquished themselves to nothing more than being the "Gateway Console" that introduces newbs to videogames and casual gamers to hardcore games (eventually, by moving on to either the XBox 360 or the PS3).
    And Sony seems like they're swimming into unfamiliar territory most of the time with every new tech they're introducing/pushing, so relying on them seems iffy as well.
    And Microsoft just seems content with being just a tad bit above the others, and getting lots of money, rather than pushing the X360's tech potential, beyond Project Natal and everything else they've launched so far.
    Either someone from one of the companies wake up & smell the roses, or we need a new/another company to step in [[eyes Sega and/or Apple]] to make everything fresh again.

    If they wanna push gaming into a new horizon, a good example would be to put more focus on something that's easily been ignored for quite some time now - The Eye of Judgement.
    I know Project Natal is basically doing the same thing + more, in terms of interaction, but what I'm talking about is the way that the interaction is being presented.
    Instead of just receiving your motions & translating them into the game, it takes items like the cards and generates images that interact with each other, while you - the player - interacts with your opponent.
    I don't know how else to explain it beyond that, so yeah.

    So I guess Sony's "Gem" won't be much of a contender to Microsoft's Project Natal on its own, but if Gem's use is combined with the PS Eye, then it would prove to be an at least formidable opponent to Nintendo Wii's Motion Plus & worthy 2nd to Microsoft's Project Natal.

  8. @rion I have high anticipation for Natal. Even though it might not be a home run it is at least a step in the right direction for gaming to reach that holy grail better known as virtual reality. We will always unfortunately be bound in some way until we can get to that point of actually living the game. I hope Natal doesn't end up being a huge flop and nothing more than a gimmick. I have high hopes for it and will definitely be getting it right when it comes out. I can not go without experiencing it and judging it first hand.

    It is funny that you mentioned Apple being the next company to enter the gaming industry. I was just thinking to myself the other day the same thing. You would think with them gloating as much as they do about being the multimedia king, they would either have a console by now or have something in the pot cooking. Part of the reason I think we haven't seen a home console yet is because they have the iphone/ipod touch. They push those devices pretty hard with the applications and the games available on them. Maybe with this rumored tablet that will be announce later this month, we will start to see an increase in their gaming division.
    -Brian R.

  9. @Brian R.

    I don't think Natal will be just a gimmick, since Microsoft stated that it's use won't be limited to gaming, but overall interaction between you & the TV screen/monitor (think Minority Report), as well as a tool for communication (kinda like those videophones).

    Oh man, I should totally finish my #6 from the previous blog, explaining in detail of what I imagine the gaming industry would be like, under my influence.
    I actually imagined Apple diving into the Console War with the current Big 3. But I'll go into detail about that on my own blog, then post the link here.

  10. @ Rion

    Whoa dude, you need to be linking me up to your blog right now so we can ge4t a little partnership going!
