Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So I just discovered something that I believe makes me a gigantic nerd as well as an out of control SF trivia fanatic. Unless you care about completely obscure Street Fighter trivia, you may as well stop reading now and wait for the next blog post. As for the rest of you, check this out...Necro from Street Fighter III originally made his first appearance in the awful Street Fighter offshoot that Capcom made called Street Fighter 2010. Proof:I actually spotted this while watching the hilarious new Angry Video Game Nerd review of Street Fighter 1 and Street Fighter 2010. Necro can be seen in action at the 12:17 mark throwing a crate at Ken. For those of you who've never heard of or played Street Fighter 2010, I'm sure the screenshot above doesn't make any sense. Real quick: This was a "sequel" to Street Fighter that starred Ken in a robotic Mega Man styled suit in a Mega Man styled platformer set in the future. Yeah...stupid, I know.

Anyway, I just figured I'd throw this up here because nobody seems to have made that connection before. Obviously the story in SF2010 is not canon to the SF universe, but it's still interesting to note the first appearance of a character that would take over 10 years to show up again. It's also yet another reason why I love Capcom and their dedication to fan service and self-referencing. Fuck, I'm a nerd.

-Brian T.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure it isn't Necro. From a low quality screenshot from an AVGN video, you can definitely see it. But when you see the characters artwork, he doesn't look at all like him.
